dinatè December 29, 2017

Google is preparing a multifunction application that will make room on its smartphone but also manage its files and share them. Google regularly develops tools for users to get the most out of their smartphones. The company is currently preparing a new mobile application called Files Go which will allow to manage and delete files […]

dinatè December 28, 2017

LG is looking at the rise of autonomous vehicle technologies as an opportunity to expand its electronics business, and it’s now working with mapping provider HERE to put together a telematics product aimed at self-driving vehicle applications. The joint solution will put LG’s telematics tech together with HERE’s location services and high-resolution maps to offer […]

dinatè December 27, 2017

The Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL offer an “eSIM” card, but it only works with Google Project Fi subscribers. The new Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL smartphones have a feature that went unnoticed when introduced by Google. These are the first smartphones to have an integrated SIM card, called eSIM (embedded SIM). Apple […]

dinatè December 27, 2017

TallTweets was created in 2010 to get around the 140-character limit of Twitter. You could write a note of any length and TallTweets would squeeze it into a single tweet by posting your text as an image. Now that Twitter offers a native solution in the form of threaded tweets, it is time to pivot. Introducing […]

dinatè December 27, 2017

The next-generation mobile processor that you’ll most likely find in many of next year’s major flagships is here. At its second annual tech summit today, Qualcomm unveiled the Snapdragon 845, which is its latest “premium” mobile CPU. The chipset will retain the same 10nm footprint as its predecessor, but feature revamped architecture that brings about […]

dinatè December 26, 2017

Edward Snowden, the National Security Agency contractor turned leaker, is working on a smartphone app. The app, Haven, is intended to turn smartphones into mobile security systems. Haven is available to try for free in open beta. Edward Snowden is best known for revealing the spy programs of the US’s National Security Agency, but his […]